Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rehab Your Brows!

Helena Sopar via garancedore.fr

When it comes to facial features, little has more power and impact than the shape of your brows. Get the shape right and you have an instant face-lift effect. Get it wrong and it can cause all sorts of problems. For instance, many women don't realise that their eyebrow shape can visually alter the look of their nose (for all the wrong reasons). What's more, the color of your brows can either harden your features or take years off.

Great brows frame your eyes -- they hold everything together and give your features definition and strength.

There's no point in doing glamorous or sexy eye makeup if you have eyebrows that look like caterpillars, slugs or tadpoles.

The number one 'crime' on eyebrows are the over-plucked brows. Most women think that thin, highly arched brows lift the eye and make you look younger. However, they do the complete opposite.

Brows you should not have + their effects on your face:

  • Over-plucked (you've just aged yourself 10 years!)
  • Tadpole/Commas (extremely unattractive, clown-like!)
  • Semi-circle (tarty, you've added 5 kilos instantly, makes your nose look bigger!)
  • The Downhill (speaks for itself! sad, sad eyes and helloooo puffy eyelids! haggard.)
  • The Parting of The Red Sea (blank + alien-like expression.)
  • The Triangle (peaking too soon causing a downhill puffy eyelid + distorting your eye shape! very hard look)

The girl in the photoshoot by Garance Dore has the 'perfect' eyebrows! I love them. I love the look of full eyebrows, they add the youth back into your face and frame the face perfectly. If you have any of the above eyebrows, my suggestion is to bear the ugliness of growing your eyebrows back, then have them professionally reshaped and waxed by a really good beautician. Hair in general does a lot for a person's face.


  1. Helena, you're quite a handsome woman..somewhat reminding me of a european goddess that hides a few decades off age.

  2. About 12 years ago I tweezed my own eyebrows eek, too much in the middle unfortunately:-s
    They're quite full again now, but need a bit of pencil to 'fill in the gaps'..
    I love the look of full eyebrows!! x


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