Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't Settle For Anything Less Than Butterflies by Judith Caingat

I loved this; so let me share it with you.
---- snip ----
This criminal had committed a crime. He was sent to the king for his punishment. The king told him he had a choice. He could be hung by a rope or take the punishment behind the big, dark, scary steel door. The criminal quickly decided on the rope. As the noose was being slipped on him, he asked, "Out of curiosity, what's behind that door?" The king laughed and said, "You know, it's funny. I offer all you guys the same choice, and nearly all of you pick the rope." "So," said the criminal, "what's behind the door? Obviously, I won't tell anyone," he said, pointing to the noose around his neck. The king paused and answered, 
"Freedom, but it seems most people are so afraid of the unknown that they immediately take the rope."
Do you take the rope? More often than not, it is our own fear -- not external obstacles -- that stop us from going where we want to in life. Are you staying in a relationship because you are afraid of being single? Are you staying in a job you hate because you are afraid of being jobless or taking on a new job? Are you living in the same town because you're frightened of starting over somewhere new? We all do this, stay where we are certain and feel safe, because it is easier and it is something is known. We would often stick with a painful, unhappy known than risk something that is unknown.

But how can we truly be happy if we're doing this? Sticking with the known for fear of the unknown is settling. Do we really want to settle in our lives? One of my favorite quotes comes from the mouth of Carrie Bradshaw, a character from Sex and the City. She says, 

"Some people are settling down. Some people are settling. And some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies." 
Take a moment to think about your life....

By Judith Caingat

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